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6 votes
1 answer

Red triangle, yellow jackets, etc. for rental cars in France

Our rental car in France does not have the items required by law, such as a florescent jacket and a red triangle. Should the car rental company provide these items?
Bridget Farmer's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Online simulations, games or ways to check my knowledge about traffic rules and my driving skills in USA [closed]

I am looking to get a rental car in USA. I have a very good experience with driving a car but it is with right hand drive and in USA this is left hand drive plus the driving rules are somewhat ...
Anmol Saraf's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Websites for car relocation in Europe?

Is there a good website for car/camper relocation in Europe ? I mean, those companies that allow you to rent a car/camper for free from point A to point B. Let's say between Netherlands and Italy/...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Crashing a rental car abroad

What happens if I (a US citizen) rent a car in, say, the UK, and crash it because I was driving on the wrong side of the road? Do I have to pay the damages out of pocket? What if I don't have the ...
neubert's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Driving in Iceland: a good idea?

For this summer I am thinking about going to Iceland. I would like to fly to Reykjavik, spend some days there, then rent a car, travel around the island and then fly back home. Now I have a few ...
RoflcoptrException's user avatar
46 votes
9 answers

Car rental vs. buying a car for 1 month, when visiting the USA?

I would like to visit a few places in the states sometime next year, and I was thinking of doing a road trip while I'm at it. I could start in either Los Angeles or Montreal, and then I would like to ...
iHaveacomputer's user avatar