I have booked a flight from AMS-FRA-YVR (Amsterdam to Frankfurt to Vancouver) and then back from YVR-FRA-AMS with Lufthansa.
What I really want is just the FRA-YVR portion as I live in Frankfurt, so on the way back I was just planning on leaving the airport in Frankfurt and missing the FRA-AMS portion. However, I am wondering if I call Lufthansa now and plead with them to cancel the AMS-FRA portion of the outbound flight if there is any chance of them doing this. Would be a pain to travel to Amsterdam from Frankfurt just to catch a flight right back there.
It is disgustingly cheaper to book from Amsterdam than direct from Frankfurt (like 75% cheaper). So ya, just wondering if anyone has had any luck with being straight up with the airline and asking them nicely to cancel a portion of the journey.