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Should I be carrying my checked in-in baggage while shifting flights be it domestic or international?

This is my first time on flight and I am travelling to US from India. I have booked a flight inwith British Airways  (BA) which starts from:

  1. Hyderabad to London (BA).
  2. London to Chicago (BA operated by American Airlines -> International Flight).
  3. Chicago to Cincinnati (BA operated by American Airlines -> Domestic Flight).

Should I transfer my luggage between flights be it domestic or international.

Kindly Help me with this.?

Should I be carrying my checked in baggage while shifting flights be it domestic or international

This is my first time on flight and I am travelling to US from India. I have booked a flight in British Airways(BA) which starts from

  1. Hyderabad to London (BA).
  2. London to Chicago (BA operated by American Airlines -> International Flight).
  3. Chicago to Cincinnati (BA operated by American Airlines -> Domestic Flight).

Should I transfer my luggage between flights be it domestic or international.

Kindly Help me with this.

Should I be carrying my checked-in baggage while shifting flights be it domestic or international?

I have booked a flight with British Airways  (BA):

  1. Hyderabad to London (BA).
  2. London to Chicago (BA operated by American Airlines -> International Flight).
  3. Chicago to Cincinnati (BA operated by American Airlines -> Domestic Flight).

Should I transfer my luggage between flights be it domestic or international?

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Should I be carrying my checked in baggage while shifting flights be it domestic or international

This is my first time on flight and I am travelling to US from India. I have booked a flight in British Airways(BA) which starts from

  1. Hyderabad to London (BA).
  2. London to Chicago (BA operated by American Airlines -> International Flight).
  3. Chicago to Cincinnati (BA operated by American Airlines -> Domestic Flight).

Should I transfer my luggage between flights be it domestic or international.

Kindly Help me with this.