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Timeline for Schengen visa while on cruise

Current License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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May 30 at 12:51 comment added Mark Johnson @Traveller It could go both ways, it will be the consulate who will deside if they accept the application or not. This cruise trip is rather straight foward, but for others it would be difficult to determine which country has more days. So they may have a (unpublished) understanding on how to deal with cruises (The cruise sites are not helpful in this regard).
May 30 at 12:30 history edited Traveller CC BY-SA 4.0
May 30 at 12:21 comment added Traveller Not disputing the answer, however to me the purpose of stay is to cruise Norwegian ports of call, Germany seems more akin to transit on the way to Norway.
May 30 at 10:00 comment added Mark Johnson @jcaron That may be true, but for a cruise, where the exact amount of time inside the waters of each country may not be known, this may be an exception.
May 30 at 9:55 comment added jcaron Sadly, many consulates, and even more so the preprocessors like VFS, completely ignore the "purpose of stay" and only take into account the number of days spent in each country. No idea whether the German consulate competent for OP (and their preprocessor) applies this or not, though.
May 30 at 9:45 comment added Priyanka Thank you for taking out the time, and responding in such detail. Yes - I think we will speak directly to the Consulates before submitting our application.
May 30 at 9:35 history answered Mark Johnson CC BY-SA 4.0