I'm Asian, so it's natural for me to wear a mask in public. Where I grew up, it's really common to wear a mask in public transports, particularly in winter, when more people have a cold. When I started living in Europe, I stopped wearing a mask since no one was wearing it, and I got a cold more often – nothing bad, but annoying. During the pandemic, everyone masked up, including me, and I didn't get a cold in winter.
Anyway, now people don't treat COVID as a threat anymore, and thus no one masks up in public. I still wear them in bus and train, but some (many) people give me a weird look. Some even shake their head and my colleagues laugh at me. I become self-conscious wearing a mask in public, but I really feel better wearing one. I feel it's unfair that people can smoke without being considered weird (although the cigarette smoke would annoy a non-smoker), but when someone is wearing a mask, which is not disturbing anyone, that person is considered to be an alien or a hypochondriac.
I'm travelling around Europe and in the U.S. until the end of this year, and I'd like to wear a mask in public, but dreading the double take or snide remarks people would give me. I'm curious, what do you really think about people wearing a mask in public? Is it really that weird?
EDIT: Thanks for the many inputs!