You can Google "Dumb laws" or read Three Felonies a Day to read about other stupid laws. There are even some websites dedicated to them, such as
Related: What items are forbidden to take when traveling to the US that would be OK in most other countries?
Here's an example I encountered:
In San Jose, California, and perhaps other US cities, attending some street motor shows can be a misdemeanor. Law:
A. Any individual who is present as a spectator, either on a public street or highway at an illegal motor vehicle speed contest or illegal exhibition of speed, with the intent to be present at such illegal motor vehicle speed contest or illegal exhibition of speed, is guilty of a misdemeanor subject to a maximum of six months in jail and a fine of $1,000.
It is sometimes applied (mirror):
Over 40 citations, many for municipal code spectator violations. These events are illegal and we will continue the enforcement.
This almost earned me a misdemeanor some night where I couldn't sleep due an "illegal motor vehicle speed contest" and I was tempted to watch that local tradition instead of attempting to sleep through the noise. Meanwhile, one could watch someone die without providing any help in the US, and that would typically be lawful.