- You are allowed to stay on the ship if you do not want to see one of the most beautiful cities in North America but why would you? :)
- You will not be allowed on the cruise if you are not admissible into Canada. To see this is the case, search around for cruise and DUI record. Canada does not allow people with DUI records into the country, it is by far the most common reason US passport holders are refused entry. The entire ship is processed, no one cares you want to stay on board. And, as David notes, Indian passport holders need a visa, however their visasif they have visited Canada or the US in the last ten years -- which you clearly did -- then they are are typically expedited througheligible for the CAN+, this program which expedites their visa. This does not require a separate form or process, just submit the usual documentation. https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=875&top=16