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Dec 1, 2022 at 21:43 comment added phoog If an ESTA applicant fails to list a citizenship because of a misunderstanding of nationality law and administrative procedure, that's not fraud, technically or otherwise. To be fraud there must be an intention to misrepresent a fact by knowingly making a false statement. Here it's not fraud; it's just wrong.
Mar 24, 2021 at 9:16 comment added Tony Sanchez I'm aware that there may have been something along our side of the process that caused the mistake. I have been doing the legwork in researching the guidelines and regulations for travel and entry into the US since moving abroad and being married to a foreign national and eventually having a multinational child. Ultimately, the US agencies I contacted after our incident confirmed that she should not have been barred from traveling. We are in the process of obtaining this in writing from CBP. Hopefully it works.
Mar 24, 2021 at 0:47 history answered Doc CC BY-SA 4.0