The good news is that there is no rule preventing your fiance from visiting the UK for Christmas. The UK does not have a "cannot be here for more than so much time in a year" rule. It's down to the discretion of the admitting officer. As the comments say, you presumably know she is at risk of being considered that she is trying to live in the UK with repeated visits, which is against the rules.
My non-expert opinion is that she would be admitted, given that it's such a short visit, it's a reasonable amount of time since she left, she has obeyed the rules up to now, she has ties to the US, and that lots of people visit their fiances for Christmas. But that's just my opinion. And it assumes that there are no other red flags. A lawyer with expertise in the area would give you a better answer.
You have correctly identified the things you can do which will a) convince the border guard that she will leave when she says she will and b) not try to re-enter in a few weeks time. A return ticket, a rental agreement, an agent, and plans to take courses are all good things, and she should bring documentation to support all of them.