I dont know whether it is okay to answer this question now, as it was asked, a year before, but i would like to add my view for the reference of future visitors.
beingBeing a native person here, iI usually have walks on the roads, where iI see foriegnersforeigners offering some money to the beggars and then a group of beggars surrounding them asking for money. It could be a real trouble then.
You cantcan't describe that the person asking you for money is really a beggar or some snachersnatcher. SnachingSnatching cases are quite common in indiaIndia (at least in our region). So it is better not to have talk with the beggars and keep on moving.
Even if you really want to help a beggar, you can offer them for some food or even clothes, because most of the male beggars begsbeg money for the sake of drugs.