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49 votes

Ski holidays in France - January 2021 and Covid pandemic

No one knows. Most experts expect that Christmas will cause a significant spike in Covid cases due to more travel and social gathering and a strong motivation to "flout the rules". This may ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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19 votes

Ski holidays in France - January 2021 and Covid pandemic

Nothing, NOTHING, is certain and not subject to change during a pandemic... If additional measures become necessary they will be implemented and announced. Is opening of ski resorts on 7th of january ...
xngtng's user avatar
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8 votes

Specific vacation type for a lonely hike?

If you live in Europe, I think mountain hiking in Andorra may be something fitting your needs. I've been there for a few days several years ago. The mountains are quite remote, there are no crowds, ...
jacek_wi's user avatar
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6 votes

Re-checking with another airline at Incheon

Do I have enough time to do this? Impossible to predict with any certainty but it's likely you will miss your connection. Delta closes the check in for international flights 1 hour before ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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Ski holidays in France - January 2021 and Covid pandemic

I'd look at it the other way round. French ski resorts are closed up to and including 6th January. At some point before then, they will review how the pandemic has changed since announcing that ...
thelem's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there a simple procedure or what are the procedures to obtain a permit to visit Lakshadweep islands?

Lakshadweep is remote and undeveloped, so fully independent tourism is not really possible. With the exception of a few places on the main island of Agatti, almost all resorts in the islands are ...
lambshaanxy's user avatar
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6 votes

Use of C1D, US visa for tourism purpose in the USA

A C-1/D visa allows you to be admitted to the US in C-1 or D status. C-1 status is transit. If your purpose in entering the US is anything other than to get somewhere else, you don't qualify for C-1 ...
phoog's user avatar
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5 votes

When visiting Istanbul, is pre-booking city tours from known web sites better than on arrival?

I am one of the pre-booking type of guys, I plan for any trips months in advance and book everything long before embarking on a trip. But, in Istanbul, You will considerably save much more by booking ...
Hanky Panky's user avatar
5 votes

UK visit for 4 months

The most important question you need to ask yourself is not whether you will be questioned at the airport, but why jeopardize future UK visits by trying to game the system. In your comments you wrote: ...
Augustine of Hippo's user avatar
5 votes

Specific vacation type for a lonely hike?

I would call it a solo hiking holiday. This time go for a well used and well sign posted trail, like one of the many in England, France or even the Netherlands (almost no hills but many long ...
Willeke's user avatar
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4 votes

Specific vacation type for a lonely hike?

Depending where you are, and the level of solitude and comfort you want. Two that comes to mind: Compostelle Route: ...
Max's user avatar
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4 votes

UK visit for 4 months

There's always a possibility you will be questioned by immigration. Things like where you come from, what you look like, the mood of the immigration officers a work that day, ... might all influence ...
Henrik supports the community's user avatar
4 votes

Parent-child; sit next to each other on an all-inclusive flight?

Condor lets you select your seats (for a small fee) days in advance. This also works for Economy, or travels booked through a travel agency, like in this case. You can check-in the evening before at ...
Max's user avatar
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4 votes

Traveling from the US to Costa Rica for Thanksgiving

In addition to the entry requirements for Costa Rica as discussed elsewhere, do note that your family members who live in New York will (as of this writing) have to comply with the state's quarantine ...
mlc's user avatar
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3 votes

Ski holidays in France - January 2021 and Covid pandemic

The question is moot if you're in the UK With the new strain of Covid discovered in the UK, all travel to and from the UK has been halted by European countries. So you won't be going anywhere outside ...
Graham's user avatar
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Is the week before and after Easter major vacation weeks in France?

In terms of school holidays, what are traditionally considered the “Easter holidays” (vacances de Pâques), but are now called “Spring holidays” start this year (2018) on the 7th, 14th or 21st of April ...
jcaron's user avatar
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3 votes

Specific vacation type for a lonely hike?

The old post route between Tokyo and Kyoto might be a good choice. Large parts of it are in woods, but there are small villages along the route that have guest houses (ryokan) where you can take a hot ...
Simon Richter's user avatar
3 votes

Park City, Utah for vacation

If you are willing to drive for 1½ hour and enjoy hiking, Timpanogos Cave is outstanding. Cave tours are offered daily throughout the summer season and are led by park rangers. The round-trip hike ...
Lill Lansey's user avatar
3 votes

Will an overstay and ban in Australia affect travel to Singapore?

The truth is that we do not know, here are a lot of factors that go into the equation : As @Giacomo Catenazzi states: Note: it is confidential which information country shares (and at what level). We ...
Nicolas Formichella's user avatar
2 votes

Proof of purpose of travel to Georgia

Yes, you are still exempt. Your US visa simply has to be valid, as stated both by the Georgian MFA, implicitly by Georgia's E-Visa portal, and by Timatic, the database used by airlines. You will not ...
Crazydre's user avatar
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2 votes

What kind of evidence is acceptable as proof of funds for a New Zealand vacation?

What kind of evidence would they accept? You seem to have decided on cash already. Frankly I don't know but given that NZ is no more specific than what you quote then cash would seem reasonable, or ...
pnuts's user avatar
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2 votes

Does a small back pack purse counts as luggage on the Greyhound bus?

It will not. If you can have it by your feet or on your lap or above your head (within reason), you can take it on board. Source, have taken many, many Greyhound trips, including where I'd take a ...
Mark Mayo's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a simple procedure or what are the procedures to obtain a permit to visit Lakshadweep islands?

For the Samudram trip, you can either book via the official travel agents, or register, login and check on this official website. Bookings can be done via the website (whenever bookings begin) or via ...
Nav's user avatar
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2 votes

I lost my German Aufenthaltstitel and travelling to Italy with an Indian passport

I would not risk it. German police operates permanent immigration checkpoints at all autobahn border crossings between Austria and Bavaria. Random immigration checks are currently relatively frequent ...
Tor-Einar Jarnbjo's user avatar
1 vote

Ski holidays in France - January 2021 and Covid pandemic

The countries that have been most successful in curbing the psndemic, such as Australia, NZ and a few others have a) strict border controls and b) strict quarantine rules. Basically if you want to ...
Jan's user avatar
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Traveling from the US to Costa Rica for Thanksgiving

Are there things to be aware of that I might have missed from other sources or misunderstood from the embassy page? Yes, but what you missed is quite minor and likely doesn't affect you (ban on some ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote

Documents for UK visa

The UK does not care whether you have the same last name or not. Plenty of married couples do not have the same last name. If your wife did legally change her name on marriage but did not change her ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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1 vote

DS-160 Form - B/2 Visa - Travel booking procedure and answering "Travel Information" section

The form DS-160 is used to apply for the visa. Once you have received the visa, the form itself has no use any more. Even if you would totally cancel you trip and make a completely different trip in a ...
Some wandering yeti's user avatar

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