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37 votes

How does one get a visa to go to Saudi Arabia?

UPDATE as at September 28, 2019: Effective today, Saudi Arabia has started issuing tourist visas to the nationals of 49 countries, including Canada (which was the country originally being asked about ...
Doc's user avatar
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30 votes

Would it be disrespectful for a Westerner to wear a thawb in the Arabian peninsula?

Not at all! In fact, we see it as a sign of respect. It will also help you with the heat! these things are designed for the hellish weather in this desert. One thing to remember, be sure to use the ...
Nean Der Thal's user avatar
19 votes

How safe is it to go to Baghdad?

Iraq - Level 4: Do Not Travel Source: U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory, April 9, 2019
Traveller's user avatar
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11 votes

risk of flooding in petra in november

Petra is in the desert, so rain is rare, but it's also in a dry river bed (wadi) so flash flooding after heavy rain is possible. It's worth noting this only affects the actual monument, the town of ...
lambshaanxy's user avatar
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9 votes

Is it safe to travel to Socotra, Yemen?

No, it is currently (2016) not safe to travel to Socotra nor Yemen at all. Yemen is in a bloody civil war since 2015, with no peaceful outcome currently in sight. Basically all governments warn ...
mts's user avatar
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6 votes

How does one get a visa to go to Saudi Arabia?

In September 2019 Saudi Arabia announced it is going to open its borders for tourists with a new visa regime. BBC: Saudi Arabia's tourist spots you are now free to visit The Saudi Visa Portal ...
Vladimir F Героям слава's user avatar
6 votes

Sandals for dry hot climate like in Doha, Dubai etc

I am not sure what sandals you are talking about (I live in Kuwait where the temperature today is a nice and cool 43C); here we wear all manners of sandals. The traditional sandals are made of ...
Burhan Khalid's user avatar
6 votes

Jordan double border crossing?

It may depend on which crossing you will use. If you go by the Allenby bridge, and return by the Allenby bridge within the visa validity, you don't need a multiple entry visa. They also do not make ...
imoatama's user avatar
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5 votes

Should I cover up my tattoo when visiting the Middle East?

Since you are asking for the middle east let me give you and all visitors an idea of Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. Plenty of western people in Dubai have tattoos on display in the water parks ...
Jenny in Dubai's user avatar
5 votes

Which countries apply "electronic ban"?

Currently only the US and UK have applied a ban on electronics in the cabin. Australia has implemented additional screening at the origin airport.
DTRT's user avatar
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5 votes

Countries you may not visit after Israel - even if you don't have an Israeli stamp

I could not find a formal statement by any country that previous travel to Israel forbids entry. states that a passport indicating such entry may prevent entry to Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lybia,...
ugoren's user avatar
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4 votes

Getting foreign license plates remotely (for specific countries). Is this possible?

To actually answer the question: no, you can’t get local license plates (full stop, not just not remotely) without also adhering to wildly different local laws and taxes, and having to start ...
Sebastiaan van den Broek's user avatar
4 votes

I have a trip to Dubai booked for next week. With all the tension in the Middle East at the moment, should I reconsider?

There's no real way to answer. We don't know the future, and don't know what bothers you and what doesn't. At present, Dubai is completely unaffected by the events, and I see no reason to assume that ...
ugoren's user avatar
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3 votes

Are there major safety concerns about flying into Dubai, particularly over Iran and Iraq?

If you look at FlightRadar24 or other similar sites you’ll see that there are literally hundreds of flights using those corridors every single day. Iran definitely isn’t an active war zone and there ...
jcaron's user avatar
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3 votes

Flight leaves from Cairo to Dubai just after midnight, but getting in from Saudi Arabia on non-connecting flight the same day

Travelling on separate tickets is always a risk. If a flight is delayed and you miss a connecting flight, then you are on your own as far as arranging alternative transportation (although travel ...
Doc's user avatar
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2 votes

Does the laptop ban in cabin luggage from Middle Eastern airports impact connecting flights?

An additional check is done at the gate for flights to the U.S. or U.K. that are affected by the ban. The airlines have procedures to take electronics from passengers, put them in boxes, and ...
jetset's user avatar
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2 votes

What species of fruit was this orange-like thing with a dark-green peel that I ate in Israel?

My best guess would be an orange, possibly a Washington navel orange. Some of these can be ripe but green. See a catalog of Israeli citrus - mostly Hebrew, but nice pictures and English names.
ugoren's user avatar
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2 votes

Countries you may not visit after Israel - even if you don't have an Israeli stamp

Wikipedia has a page titled Arab League boycott of Israel which contains a section Travel Restrictions and a handy little table and map. Unfortunately, both table and map may be outdated. This is ...
Jan's user avatar
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1 vote

Getting foreign license plates remotely (for specific countries). Is this possible?

The Israeli part of the trip doesn't sound like a good idea, because: There are no ferries to Israel, from Europe or anywhere. There are some cruise ships but they don't carry cars. There are ...
ugoren's user avatar
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1 vote

Directs flights from Oman to Southern Iran

TL;DR Our alternative solution is to fly to Shiraz instead and make our way South from there. Omanian budget carrier Salam Air serves the connection three times a week (Tuesday, Friday and Sunday). ...
martin's user avatar
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Directs flights from Oman to Southern Iran

I looked into KishAirlines flight schedule and apparently they have direct flights from Muscat to Kish, Shiraz and Chabahar. Unfortunately, Iranian airlines, especially those smaller ones like ...
hatef's user avatar
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1 vote

Should I cover up my tattoo when visiting the Middle East?

I am Egyptian and I live in the middle of the Nile Delta. Here tourists come to discover cultural tourism. Some of them have a tattoo on their bodies and Egyptians regard them as foreigners only. ...
Ayman's user avatar
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