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33 votes

What's the point of free visas on arrival? Why not grant entry without any visa?

Maldives are a small country that doesn't have the capacity to support a full visa issuance process through diplomatic posts abroad. It doesn't want to either. But due to the general reciprocity ...
littleadv's user avatar
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12 votes

What does "transit time" mean for the Maldives's rule regarding COVID testing?

This document states: All tourists are required to hold a negative PCR test for COVID-19 conducted 96 hours prior the scheduled time of departure from the first port of embarkation enroute to ...
jcaron's user avatar
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10 votes

What's the point of free visas on arrival? Why not grant entry without any visa?

Each country may of course have their own reasons to offer a free visa on arrival. Another possible reason I can think of is that it in some countries may be a tedious and lengthy legal process to ...
Tor-Einar Jarnbjo's user avatar
9 votes

Is it common and does it make sense to travel to the Maldives as a single person?

Common? Probably not as much as couples going. But it's a common enough query that even CNN has an article on it: Solo travelers to Maldives have plenty to see and do Activities even for singles ...
Mark Mayo's user avatar
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6 votes

Is wild camping allowed in the Maldives?

It is possible but not formally allowed. You have to ask for permission as a favor and then maybe you are allowed Check:
Ivan's user avatar
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5 votes

What are the current regulations to move between islands in Maldives?

It's allowed to travel between all tourist facilities unless they are not under monitoring. But you have to apply for permission. It can be done by your hotel (actually, it's the only way) and free of ...
Jullie Flore's user avatar
5 votes

What are the current regulations to move between islands in Maldives?

You will not be allowed to move between islands, you are only allowed to stay on one island for the period of stay. I doubt you will be able to visit Maafushi either as for the time being only resort ...
b3asts's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the ferry schedule from Male to Thulusdhoo in the Maldives?

I think the times are contradicting because they are for two different ferries. 1430 is for the MTCC ferry, and 1530 appears to be for a ferry branded "Tharika 2". "Tharika 2" definitely departs from ...
b3asts's user avatar
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Maldives: Water villas tours

I'm going to counter jpatokal's answer here. There are resorts in the Maldives which allow 'day pass' visitors to visit the resort, including the over-water villas (though, obviously, not entering ...
Richard's user avatar
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Maldives: Water villas tours

As a rule, no. Virtually all Maldives resorts are self-contained on private islands and allow only guests and staff. For this reason there is also no public transport to any of them, you need to ...
lambshaanxy's user avatar
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4 votes

Transit 6 hours with passport validity less than 2 months

I agree that the Maldives will refuse you entry. If an airline carries a passenger who is refused entry at a destination or a transit location, the airline is required to return that passenger to the ...
DavidRecallsMonica's user avatar
4 votes

Clarification on the Maldives' visa requirements: 'Entry facilities' and multiple hotels

The wording is a bit unusual, but point 5 goes together with point 4. The idea is that you need to leave the Maldives (rather than stay indefinitely, as this is a tourist visa, not a permanent ...
jcaron's user avatar
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4 votes

Will they serve alcohol to a Muslim in the Maldives?

Legally, if you are a Muslim who is 18 years old or older, you can technically buy alcohol, but it is banned for the local population, though alcohol is served at most resorts and liveaboard boats. So,...
Tyler Mc's user avatar
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Observing Cultural Norms on 'Local' Islands in the Maldives

Wikivoyage is a great usually-up to date reference for this, and in this case: - Nudism is prohibited. Swimming in bikinis is allowed only on the 1 main tourist ...
Mark Mayo's user avatar
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3 votes

What are the actual visa/entry requirements and precautions for Indians travelling to Maldives for vacation?

Basically you'd just need at least 1 month validity on your passport, return flight ticket, paid hotel booking, fill out Traveller Health Declaration on Imuga, and you're all set! You don't need ...
sykez's user avatar
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3 votes

Public transportation cost and schedule in Maldives

From all the resources I could find, this one was updated 01 September 2018, this one ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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3 votes

Transit 6 hours with passport validity less than 2 months

All nationalities need at least 6 months on their passport for a visa: Should posses a valid passport with Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) -(standard ICAO Annex 9, chapter 3.10.1)and should have at ...
Xnero's user avatar
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3 votes

Do I need a visa to go to the Maldives with an Indonesian passport?

You don't need a visa for the Maldives. In fact, nobody does, as long as they have a valid passport, confirmed accommodation and a return ticket - you'll get a 30-day visa on arrival. http://www....
lambshaanxy's user avatar
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1 vote

Is wild camping allowed in the Maldives?

Yes. Although the government loves tourists who spend money, and most of the land is either owned by the government or people, you can go to Hulehule island and camp all you want. Ziad EL Shurafa
Ziad El Shurafa's user avatar

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