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52 votes

How to post a picture card?

A picture is worth a thousand words: If sending within the same country, you can omit the country name in the address. When sending to a different country, you can write the address (except the "...
mustaccio's user avatar
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45 votes

Getting a package from the US while travelling through South Europe

Several shipping companies provide options for shipping to a branch for pickup with ID. You could check which one has a more convenient branch location for you. DHL has a stronger presence in Europe. ...
krubo's user avatar
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42 votes

Getting a package from the US while travelling through South Europe

In most of the world, you can have letters and packages sent poste restante, addressed to an individual in care of a particular post office, to be held until the intended recipient visits to pick it ...
choster's user avatar
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38 votes

Can I receive a package in Zurich airport while on transit?

You can send it "Poste restante" to the Post office in the airport. Just address it to: Mr or Mrs Firstname Lastname Poste restante 8060 Zürich The Post Office is located in arrivals 3, and is open ...
jcaron's user avatar
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34 votes

How long does it take a postcard to get from USA to Germany?

Since 2007, I received 53 postcards from the US (via postcrossing). I live in Germany, so this is relevant to your question. The average travel time was 11 days, roughly 67% arrived within this time ...
Sabine's user avatar
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33 votes

What address to use from the US to request tickets for General Audience with the Pope?

According to (emphasis mine): All lines of the delivery address should appear in all capital letters. The city destination must appear in capital letters ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
30 votes

Is there any way to find out what happened to a post card sent from other country?

I used to do Postcrossing a lot a few years ago and I can tell you that the shipping times for unregistered mail are just plain unpredictable. Sometimes you can get a letter from the other end of the ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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29 votes

Can an American visitor in Canada get critical medications sent from home?

It seems to be legal to send medication to visitors in Canada, under the circumstances you specified, but I'm currently unsure which company will actually do so. If all else fails, I suggest ...
Peter's user avatar
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25 votes

How can I receive packages while in France?

The situation is complex and quite variable. If the delivery is done by La Poste (the incumbent postal service), they usually have access to those mailboxes (they have the RFID equivalent of a master ...
jcaron's user avatar
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21 votes

Is it possible to receive packages to a private address in the US if you're not listed as living there?

It depends on the delivery service, and it depends on the package, and it depends on the location. We can't give you a definitive answer without more information about the apartment and how it is set ...
choster's user avatar
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20 votes

Where is the post box at Keflavík (Reykjavík International) airport?

It's the red box by the "Odd size baggage" counter in the departure lounge
Gareth's user avatar
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20 votes

What language should I address a letter?

The Universal Post Union (UPU, a United Nations agency for coordination of international mail delivery) recommends that the address should be written using Latin letters and Arabic numerals. The ...
Tor-Einar Jarnbjo's user avatar
17 votes

Mailing address while out of the country?

You need someone to check your mail for you, so the most convenient option might simply be to use the mailing address of a close friend or family member whom you trust, ideally in the same province/...
Jim MacKenzie's user avatar
17 votes

Can I send post to someone on a cruise ship?

Yes, but procedure could be different for every cruise line. The 'big three' all maintain PO Boxes at their Headquarters which are then forwarded to the ship. For example: Royal Caribbean Crew Mailing ...
DTRT's user avatar
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16 votes

Are there any Postbuses left in the UK?

The only one I can find that still exists is Route 134, which runs Tongue-Talmine-Tongue-Lairg in Highland, Scotland. All other routes seem to have discontinued.
waiwai933's user avatar
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How can I receive packages while in France?

Amazon has an option to deliver your packages to "relays" or "points de retrait" - usually gas stations and small shops can act like one, but there are dedicated places too. You ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
14 votes

How to find (and choose!) picture postcards in China?

It's the same deal in Japan, and for the same reason: those postcards aren't intended to be mailed, they're intended to be purchased as a pack and presented as a gift.. This is why they're unwilling ...
lambshaanxy's user avatar
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13 votes

Mailing address while out of the country?

It's called a Private Mail Box (PMB) They are run by private companies. The number one player in the field is The UPS Store,* however many smaller businesses also exist. Your address becomes Your ...
Harper - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
13 votes

Can I send post to someone on a cruise ship?

With ubiquitous electronic communication, it is not really common anymore to send letters or post cards to ship crew, but parcels are still adressable and probably still not too uncommon for birthdays ...
Tor-Einar Jarnbjo's user avatar
12 votes

What language should I address a letter?

I would say that the international bit of the address (i.e. the country that you want to get to) should be in the language of the country you are sending from (so in this case, English), and the ...
Nick C's user avatar
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10 votes

What address to use from the US to request tickets for General Audience with the Pope?

It would probably be faster to send your request by fax or email to the U.S. Bishops’ Office for Visitors to the Vatican at [email protected] (details on schedule and how to make a request here)....
Zach Lipton's user avatar
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10 votes

How can I receive packages while in France?

In my residence, I have exactly the same case. Mail boxes are too small (aperture is designed for letters only) and are accessible from within the building for which the external door is always kept ...
Zico's user avatar
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10 votes

Postal services in Italy - Poste Italiane vs. Friendpost vs. GPS

I visited Sardinia this summer and when buying the first batch of postcards, I asked the cashier in the souvenir shop for stamps. He sold me a couple, but when I was sticking them on later, I found ...
JohnEye's user avatar
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9 votes

Is there any way to find out what happened to a post card sent from other country?

It's impossible to find out what exactly has happened with lost postcard, because it would require finding it first, so it wouldn't be lost postcard anymore... There are many points of failure. First ...
Cjxcz Odjcayrwl's user avatar
9 votes

Mailing the UK Visa application

As far as I can see you should be mailing to a different address: You should mail your application to: VFS Services USA Inc. UKVI Scanning Hub 145 West 45th St Floor 5 New York NY 10036 ...
Uciebila's user avatar
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Post office for parcels at Heathrow Terminal 5

There is indeed a post office in Heathrow Terminal 5 in June 2023. It's located in the WH Smith on the departures floor (Floor 3), at the South end (next to South Security). It takes parcels, and has ...
abligh's user avatar
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8 votes

Can a husband and wife combine their UK Standard Visitor visa applications?

You and your wife are both submitting applications for a Standard Visitor Visa and you are at the final stage (post biometrics). do we need to send the application with supporting documents as two ...
Gayot Fow's user avatar
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