7 votes

Is historic downtown in Savannah, GA too loud for kids to stay over night?

Generally speaking, Savannah's historic downtown is reasonably quiet much of the time, with a few exceptions during holidays, especially St. Patrick's day (week). Some later-night activity does happen,...
Giorgio's user avatar
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5 votes

Traveling by train from Savannah GA to Charleston SC

Based on your description, it seems Amtrak would be the most practical option. A car would be faster, but all things considered, Amtrak is also an option. The Amtrak stations are not city-center so ...
DTRT's user avatar
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4 votes

Traveling by train from Savannah GA to Charleston SC

The drive between the two cities is only two hours, and as with the U.S. in general, gasoline is extremely inexpensive compared to most of the world, and the road network is extensive and reasonably ...
choster's user avatar
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