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Renting a car in central Asia as an inexperienced driver

The rule about having had a driving license for a given amount of time is not there to inconvenience new drivers. It is there because new drivers are more likely to get into accidents. The risk of ...
Willeke's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I travel between Central Asian cities without flying?

If you have time, it's possible to travel by road. It's easy to travel around much of Central Asia on marshrutkas. For example, there are multiple marshrutka between Bishkek and Almaty leaving every ...
Sarastro's user avatar
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Is it possible to do Naryn - Song Kul - Kochkor route independently?

There is no public transport to Song Kul, not from Kochkor nor from Naryn. You have to get a ride from a tour company, other tourists or someone supplying the yurt camps if you do not have your own ...
Caravanistan's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible for a Hungarian national to obtain a Chinese visa in The 'Stans / Central Asia?

The go-to resource for this type of question is Caravanistan. Also check their forum for details. While it seems that neither in Bishkek nor in Osh it is possible to obtain a Chinese visa at the ...
mts's user avatar
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Where can I get personalised designs on Turkmen carpets in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan?

Resources described on the Turkmens guide to the city of Aşgabat give options you could explore. Carpet Museum: This museum has a large, impressive collection of antique carpets and also the largest ...
Giorgio's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it allowed to take Som out of Uzbekistan?

There is no prohibition, according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Travel Centre, regarding Uzbekistan Currency Export regulations: Export allowed for non-residents: - ...
Giorgio's user avatar
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