As many of you may already have figured it out from simply reading the title, the inspiration to undertake a raft trip came to me when I first read Huckleberry Finn many years ago. I am a young adult now, but the idea still fascinates me and I very much want to go on a river trip in similar fashion to Huck and Jim. So I am looking for a river that satisfies the following criteria:

 1. I could float down it for at least a week or two.
 2. Has towns or villages dotting the shore so that I can get off at certain locations along the river.
 3. A raft is allowed on the river.
 4. I would prefer it to not have a lot of commercial traffic.
 5. I would prefer the river to be in a place that I could visit (or obtain a visit visa to) with either my Canadian or Pakistani passport. 
 6. It would be a plus if the river flows through places that are culturally different from one another.     

So why not simply choose the Mississippi. An [answer][1] on this very site recommends against it. Therefore I am looking for an alternative river on which a journey such as this would be feasible. I know stack exchange sites demand that users ask questions that are as specific as possible and I tried to make my question as narrow as possible. I am open to any suggestions to make this question better.  

