I want to travel to America from Australia with my dog in the cabin or else be with him in cargo.

NONE of the Airlines flying out of Australia will let me do this. I am willing to travel very rough in cargo as long as I can stay with my dog. I don't even need food, just maybe water. Flying dogs separately in cargo especially over such long distances is EXTREMELY RISKY. Many have DIED or gotten lost in transit (see [\[1\]](http://youtube.com/watch?v=qFfEngL2fj4), [\[2\]](http://youtube.com/watch?v=pXbgYL8X8Gw), [\[3\]](http://facebook.com/Jetpets-Killed-My-Pet-944681212252004), [\[4\]](http://perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/airline-killed-my-dog-man-sues-for-25000/news-story/3513c1730941fbc92b43503abb2d6672), [\[5\]](http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/home/pets/qantas-will‌​-not-take-responsibi‌​lity-for-death-of-pe‌​t-bird-that-froze-to-death-after-flight-to-london-woman-says/news-story/3503993ab4b4058b4afddee1d55affc2)). I am a senior citizen and my dog is my only family member left alive. He means the world to me and I will not leave him behind.

Is there any solution to this? I have looked into flying privately but it is far beyond my means. Is it possible to hitch a ride on a cargo plane or military transport plane?