Before the COVID thing I was travelling in Eastern Europe and after I had to give up and come home in lockdown I got into retrocomputing channels on YouTube and started doing some coding on disk and tape formats for old 8-bit computers, all of which led me to find out that there was a whole range of locally made computers from Russia and the Eastern Bloc in the '80s and '90s. Especially clones of the British Sinclair ZX Spectrum.

Even though I went to lots of secondhand shops in the Baltic countries, it didn't occur to me to look for old local computer, which I came to regret once I was home and found out there were ones made in countries I'd just been in, including Romania, Poland, and Lithuania.

So when this whole COVID thing hopefully recedes a bit and we can travel again I'll be heading back to Eastern Europe. Are there some computing museums over there that include local 8-bit machines such as Spectrum clones, PDP-11 clones, etc?

Anywhere from Russia to Bulgaria to Albania to Armenia, basically any of the former communist countries.