I am travelling to Australia from Europe, with a layover in Singapore on both legs of my travel. On my outbound trip, I have a 15-hour layover and I will surely visit the city; on the return, I have ca. 6 hours and I may decide not to leave the airport.

I am worried about medical assistance in case of emergencies during these two layovers (during my stay in Australia I am covered by a reciprocity agreement between my homeland and Australia).

I find various insurance options about travel medical assistance, but they insist on covering the whole trip and not just an isolated day or two which are a small part of it. So, my questions are:

1. Am I going to need a medical insurance for a layover in Singapore? Even if I don't leave the airport? Or are medical emergencies covered for free by the state health services?

2. If the answer is yes, where can I buy medical insurance for such a short period of time? Directly through a Singapore company? Or maybe is there a company selling travel assistance in Europe that is flexible enough to cover only a short part of a trip?