I have been planning to take a group of visiting in-laws to various healing springs in South East England (related question [here][1]), and [St Helen's Spring in Hastings][2] seems like a great venue. I have managed to acquire a great map to the spring as it's hard to find... ![enter image description here][3] The 'x' on the map marks the location of a stone-built pool (presumably from the Victorian age) that captures and collects the water. The Trip Advisor site offers a [photo][4] of the pool, but gives scant information about it. The main [Trip Advisor page for the spring][5] gives an alluring description, but again nothing specific. The [Wikipedia][6] suggests that the stone-build pool may have been used in the late Victorian age as a baptismal pool. And one [source][7] dates the construction of the pool to the 8th century, if not the [Sub-Roman era][8]. Question: can tourists (or even local visitors) immerse themselves here without fear of violating a rule laid down by the Trust? Or even a public law? Is it ok to 'take a dip' there? Note: I know (from the Trip Advisor link above) that the water is a constant 4 degrees year-round and taking a dip might be awfully cold, but surely if people were getting baptised there then it must be bearable. [1]: http://travel.stackexchange.com/questions/45787/restroom-facilities-near-saint-chads-well-sacred-spring-in-england [2]: https://insearchofholywellsandhealingsprings.wordpress.com/2012/05/21/ancient-wells-and-springs-of-hastings/ [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/gx2g0.jpg [4]: http://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Attraction_Review-g186274-d7119084-Reviews-St_Helens_Park_Spring-Hastings_East_Sussex_England.html#photos [5]: http://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Travel-g186274-c213004/Hastings:United-Kingdom:St.Helens.Healing.Spring.html [6]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_places_of_worship_in_Hastings [7]: http://www.hastingsforum.net/cgi-bin/simpleforum_pro.cgi?fid=04&topic_id=1381248823 [8]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sub-Roman_Britain