Electronic cigarette might be an option on some non-smoking non-US flights. The best is to [ask to cabin members][1]:

> Fight attendant: Would you like something to drink?
> Me: Yes, I would like apple juice, and may I ask you a question?
> Flight attendant: Sure
> Me: Is it OK if I use my nicotine inhaler on the plane? [I then show
> them my pen-style e cig]
> Flight attendant: Nicotine inhaler? I don’t know. What is that?
> Me: It’s a source of nicotine for smokers similar to nicotine gum or
> the nicotine patch. It is completely legal on airplanes and not
> affected by smoking bans, but I always ask because sometimes when I
> exhale a mist may come out of my nose and mouth and I don’t want other
> people to think that I am smoking. The mist is just water vapor that
> delivers nicotine to my lungs. May I show you what I am talking about?

  [1]: http://www.electroniccigarettereview.com/smoking-on-planes/