Has anyone one with an Indian (or China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka) passport and a valid US visa been to Belize? If so, I would like to know if they had to pay the $1200 BZD ($600 USD) [repatriation fees][1] while entering. The consulate website [here][2] states there is no fee for valid US visa holders. So the information is contradictory and the Belize embassy in US is not responsive.

  [1]: https://www.timaticweb.com/cgi-bin/tim_website_client.cgi?SpecData=1&VISA=&page=visa&NA=IN&AR=00&PASSTYPES=PASS&DE=BZ&user=KLMB2C&subuser=KLMB2C
  [2]: http://www.embassyofbelize.gov.bz/consular-services/obtaining-a-visa.html