Yes, there are such a trains. The particular model which doesn't have toilets is [NS Sprinter Lighttrain][1]

![enter image description here][2]

They are replacing original [Sprinters][3], which do have toilets.
![enter image description here][4]

These are commuter trains, thus generally not intended for long distance travel. They do have some quite long routes (eg. Lelystad—The Hague), however for that kind of distances there usually is much faster InterCity as alternative. 

As for "urinal bags", it's the answer given by Dutch Railways on how they are going to deal with issue if a passenger would need to go. However I'm under impression it's just legal trick to work around any rules, which would requires train to have a toilet, rather than actual practical solution. [News on the subject][5]:

> Dutch Railways (NS) is to introduce plastic bags on stop trains for
> people desperate to go to the toilet, the Telegraaf reports.
> Passengers on sprinter trains that stop at all stations will be able
> to ask the conductor for a bag and use the empty driver's cabin. The
> bags will be easy to close and of bio-degradable plastic.
> The NS points out the bags are only available to people who are
> desperate and cannot wait until the next station, says the Telegraaf.
> Travellers and staff have already complained about the lack of
> facilities on sprinter trains, but transport minister Melanie Schultz
> van Haegen says they will not be fitted with toilets because it is too
> expensive.
> Passengers' association Rovers says it is pleased with the move but it
> is only an emergency measure. 'In the end, all sprinters must have
> toilets,' said a spokesman.
