Last time when I was in Japan on holiday - I'm originally from Scotland - I noticed that employees at hotels, airport etc. had difficulty pronouncing my surname. A British local would certainly know how to pronounce it but its spelling is rather unusual. In Japan when, for example, someone was calling out my name, I would work out that they were calling for me and would answer them quickly, just to avoid any possible awkwardness (for both of us!). This was usually done by process of elimination as in most of these circumstances, I knew the person was talking directly to me or I was the only obvious foreigner in the room. In preparation for another trip, I'm more confident in my Japanese but would like to know what the etiquette is around using my own first name in conversation. I had thought about politely suggesting they simply suggesting it, but my concern is that this will come across as too informal. I have not struggled with speaking Japanese names aloud myself. My questions are: - Would it be considered inappropriate in Japan to suggest to a staff member / relative stranger to use my first name if they struggle with my surname? - Are there likely to be any complications (legal or otherwise) if I use an alternate spelling of my name to make it easier for Japanese speakers to read?