I have been traveling around Asia with my family for past couple of years, and now are thinking of retreat plan to get back to Europe. 

Idea was to end journey in Dubai then fly to Lithuania, however then my friend started talking about [Dubai auction][1] where one apparently can get cars at ridiculously cheap prices. Biggest problem and cost is obviously shipping, but this is where being on the ground would be a huge advantage, as I could just pick up the car and be on my way. It would also serve as a great addition to already awesome trip as driving by car I could visit/see many more places.

However I am not sure would it be possible to drive a car back to Europe (in the end I would register it in Lithuania most likely), and if possible how [much of a hassle that would be crossing all the borders (Cant make Google maps route to go by ferry, but lets pretend that that I teleport to Bandar Abbas)][2]...

I would be crossing (please advise if some of the crossings are 'bad idea'): UAE (by Ferry) -> Iran (Transit Visa) -> Turkey (Visa free 90 days) -> Bulgaria (EU) -> Romania (EU) -> Hungary (Schengen) -> Anything really as there would be no crossing of hard borders.
So far I would [only need visa for Iran][3].

Trip can take months, I am not limited by time...

**Is it possible to drive by car bought in Dubai from UAE to Lithuania?**

**EDIT:** [Chat as per Marks suggesion][4]

  [1]: https://www.emiratesauction.com/en/Cars/OnlineAuction.aspx
  [2]: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/dir/Vilnius,+Lithuania/Dubai+-+United+Arab+Emirates/@41.3552269,25.2216312,6.29z/data=!4m29!4m28!1m20!1m1!1s0x46dd93fb5c6408f5:0x400d18c70e9dc40!2m2!1d25.2796514!2d54.6871555!3m4!1m2!1d26.0889432!2d44.4509553!3s0x40b1ff556ad4f6a7:0xdf5505ec06b5dc1f!3m4!1m2!1d42.4488329!2d37.2480166!3s0x40096b2f1de30667:0x76c72b7ba8a7f903!3m4!1m2!1d42.1973115!2d32.2873404!3s0x1542e5f646f9498d:0xe8ca163ff5d14913!1m5!1m1!1s0x3e5f43496ad9c645:0xbde66e5084295162!2m2!1d55.2707828!2d25.2048493!3e0
  [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_requirements_for_European_Union_citizens#Visa_on_arrival
  [4]: https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/80971/dubai-to-lithuania-by-car