There is an entry for it in OpenStreetMap, [noted as "movable bridge"][1]. The government website for the Canal has a [gallery for a "floating bridge"][2], which suggests it is some form of [pontoon bridge][3]. 

There seem to be a number of different pontoon bridges recently established at various points on the canal. 

* The Ahmed el-Mansy bridge was opened in 2017 at Ismailia (approximately the middle of the canal); [this page][4] has a photo of it being traversed by a container ship. I would guess that in normal circumstances they remove the middle sections when ship convoys come through, then move them back into place to re-establish the bridge (or possibly the other way around, and briefly close the shipping channel to set the bridge up for traffic).

* The El-Nasr bridge in Port Said (northern end of the canal) was opened in 2016; [this article][5] gives some engineering details and a very similar photo.

I could not find a specific mention of one in the south, but [this 2019 article][6] refers to "several" bridges, so it is likely that others were planned., and that this is one of them. Locating it next to an existing ferry crossing would make sense - that's where the infrastructure is.
