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Questions tagged [warrants]

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5 votes
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USCBP Protocol In Preclearance Airports

If someone with an outstanding warrant in the USA attempted to fly to a US destination from a Canadian airport with pre-clearance capabilities (i.e. passengers are screened for admissibility to the ...
zweib's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

US citizen with warrants in the US and want to enter with a foreign passport

I have warrants in Texas for a traffic ticket and drug paraphernalia but I exited the US to Japan and I have dual citizenship. My US passport has my American name with my father's last name. I ...
user76290's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Crossing MX/US border (@San Ysidro, CA) with outstanding US warrant

A friend has a warrant for not paying the last of her fines for a DUI in Colorado and wants to go to Tijuana, Mexico. If Immigration checks and finds out (when she crosses the border on her way back) ...
Magda's user avatar
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