Questions tagged [souvenirs]

Questions about purchasing small items as mementos of ones travel.

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7 votes
1 answer

Can I bring a painted Cow skull to the US with me via plane?

I bought this traditionally painted cow skull, a typical decoration item for the day of the dead. Since its bone (completely clean though) can I bring it with me on a plane as carry-on or special ...
Zoe's user avatar
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45 votes
4 answers

Is it illegal to take a piece of the Berlin Wall?

As a keepsake for my traveling in Germany, I would like to take a pebble from the Berlin Wall-is it illegal (or perhaps frowned upon) to do so? I'm aware that they sell (presumably fake) pieces in ...
schil227's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Can you still buy used panties in vending machines as a souvenir from Japan?

In 1999 I came across a vending machine of used panties while hiking through Japan. Apparently it was made illegal in 1993, but still in 1999 they seem to be wide spread. Is this still the case, or ...
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5 votes
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Fridge magnets in San Francisco!

From every destination, I buy a magnet (you know the ones we put in the fridge) that is strongly connected to that destination. Now for a guy that has been to several Greek Islands, (and not only), ...
gsamaras's user avatar
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How can I determine if there's a way I can legally take home a piece of a particular landmark?

Considering to the question of Is it illegal to take a piece of the Berlin Wall, I am interested in knowing what other historical landmarks or sites one can legally and safely take home a piece. ...
dotancohen's user avatar
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