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Questions tagged [nova-scotia]

Canadian maritime province located on the Atlantic ocean side. It is among the smallest provinces in terms of territory and population.

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16 Hour Marine Atlantic Ferry Trip with no Cabin

Marine Atlantic operates 16 hour overnight ferry trips from North Sydney, Nova Scotia to Argentia, Newfoundland on the MV Atlantic Vision. As I understand it, you can bring a car, but you cannot ...
Bunji's user avatar
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Where's this lookout in Nova Scotia? backgrounds this picture. Even if I'm right to guess Cabot Trail, where exactly is this? Can I drive up to this lookout? Any hiking required?
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Where is this in Margaree Valley, Cape Breton Highlands, NS?

I saw this picture on Reddit. Can someone please pinpoint its location on Google Maps? I'd like to drive to it when I visit. Thanks!
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Where's the trailhead to Blueberry Hill?

The leftmost image purports the trailhead to be next to Cap Rouge: Where's it on Google Maps? I can't spot it. Where do trekkers park? I see no parking lot.
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2 votes
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Where's the 'Skyline Trail Loop'? How does it differ from 'Skyline Trail'?

The pages beneath for Skyline Trail and Skyline Trail Loop exhibit their differences. I found only the former (Skyline Trail) on Google Maps. Where's the Loop? How does it differ from 'Skyline Trail'...
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Where can I walk the ocean floor in BC, PEI or Nova Scotia, like Hopewell Rocks?

If I can't visit New Brunswick, where else can I walk ocean floors due to tidal erosion, like in Hopewell Rocks?
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Which days in Oct. are best for seeing fall foliage in Cape Breton Highlands National Park?

My grandma plans to visit Cape Breton Highlands National Park for 3 days this Oct. to see fall foliage. She'll fly from Ontario to Sydney (CYQY), or Halifax and drive there. For the lowest prices, ...
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Hiking near Halifax (Nova Scotia, Canada); half a day of free time

This summer I'm going to visit Halifax for a conference. After the conference ends (~2PM), I'll have the rest of the day for myself, then will have to clear out of the hotel next morning (~10AM) and ...
aitap's user avatar
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Getting from Halifax, Canada to the US by bus/train?

I'm considering going all the way across to Halifax, Nova Scotia, but am having trouble finding information on getting from there down to the USA (Boston in particular). I gather it's 22 hours by ...
Mark Mayo's user avatar
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Nova Scotia - Getting there and moving around

I plan on visiting Nova Scotia next Spring, I am currently wondering how to get there and especially how to move around. I am starting in Montreal. By plane it's pretty expensive and then it's not ...
Vince's user avatar
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Things to see in Nova Scotia, that aren't Halifax centric

Looking to be in New Scotland in middle of September on business, and while I'm there, I'd like to see more of the province then what little I've seen so far (aka downtown Halifax). However, outside ...
canadiancreed's user avatar