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5 votes
1 answer

Does this painting depict the Alps or Rockies?

This painting is oil, old and I've been searching for the location. It would help if this mountain range could be sourced, I could then figure out who the artist might be.
John Lyes's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Where in the world am I most likely to see stacked lenticular clouds?

Lenticular clouds form when air flows over a topographical feature such as a mountain. Moisture is forced out of the air into the form of a cloud as the air rises over the land feature and then ...
Chris Mueller's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Where is this mountain with very striking bright colors?

This blog has an image from Zhangye, Province of Gansu, China. This mountain is made of earths or stones in gradients of often bright colors, predominantly red but also yellows and blues. However I ...
Mark Mayo's user avatar
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