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Questions tagged [libya]

Questions about visiting the country of Libya in North Africa.

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7 votes
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Denied boarding to Mitiga, Libya

I recently was due to travel from London Heathrow airport to Mitiga, Libya, via Cairo. I had a valid tourist visa for Libya to cover the entire time of my stay and a return flight ticket. I was due to ...
Sharon Oakeshott's user avatar
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Turkey - Libya ferry times

I have heard that there is a new Turkey - Libya ferry, the Kevalay Queen, between Istanbul and Tripoli, and Istanbul and Misrata. I was wondering what times it departs, from which port it leaves from, ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Are there any Carthaginian ruins in Libya?

Libya is known for some beautiful and well-preserved Ancient Roman ruins. Before it belonged to Rome, the territory of modern-day Libya was part of the Carthaginian Empire. Do there exist any ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
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Is a Libyan visa issued before the revolution still valid?

A guy I'm having some beers with here in Romania was telling me he has a visa for Libya but doesn't know if he can still use it. He applied for and received the visa before the Arab spring and it's ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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