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Travel zones with relaxed restrictions around the northern Red Sea

Around 1980, USA had a zone (I think it was 75 miles from the border) where Mexicans were allowed to come without a green card.  Is there anything like that in Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and/or Saudi ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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Cairo to Aqaba direct flights in 2019

Planning a trip for my wife's 40th birthday to Egypt and Jordan from the US. I had hoped to stay in Aqaba as it's quicker to Petra than Amman and we'd get a little beach time. I read online (in an ...
RhinoWalrus's user avatar
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What kind of clothes should I use at Egypt and Jordan during the daylight [closed]

I'm going to Egypt and Jordan in April. I'm trying to understand what is the best combination of clothes my wife and I should be used there. We are occidentals. During our summer in Sydney, Australia ...
Afetter's user avatar
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If I visit countries neighbouring Israel, may some countries deny my entry?

According to WikiVoyage info: Be careful if entering or exiting Israel by land though, as a stamp from the land border crossing or a neighbouring country with Israel will be taken as evidence ...
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