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EU national living in UK: Do I need visa to travel to the Netherlands or to Iceland?

I have a Polish passport. I am living in UK under the EU settlement scheme. Do I need a visa to go to either country? My intention is to attend a festival.
BassBeats's user avatar
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UK visa for child of EU national [closed]

I have Portuguese nationality. My son, 3 years old, and my husband have Indian nationality. We want to move to the UK. Since I have never visited the UK, we applied for EEA family permits for my son ...
Mary's user avatar
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Can my in-laws travel to UK without a visa, with an Italian article 10 residence card?

I am an EEA national and my wife and her parents are European Union residence card holders. Can my in laws travel to the UK without a visa?
Singh jagroop's user avatar
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EEA family permit refusal - appeal or new application?

I am a German citizen and my wife is a Pakistani citizen; we live together in Germany and have a German marriage certificate. EEA clearance officer refused our application as we "didn't provide" more ...
Bro1989's user avatar
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Visa to travel to France

I am a German citizen. My husband has a UK residence card. Can he travel to France without a visa when he travels with me?
user79492's user avatar
8 votes
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Permanent family member of Latvian citizen. Can I travel to the UK or Ireland without an article 20 residency permit?

I live with my wife since 2012 in Latvia. My wife and two kids are Latvian citizens. I hold a Latvian permanent residence card. On my residence card is written permanent family member. According to ...
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Russian with Netherlands residency; is a visa needed for UK holiday? [duplicate]

My partner is Russian with a Russian passport, but has a Netherlands residence permit and has lived in the Netherlands for over 7 years. What is required for her to enter the UK? Other info which ...
David Doleman's user avatar
7 votes
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VFS priority services for EEA family permit applicants

There's an EEA national in the USA who wants to take a holiday in the UK with his visa-national spouse (Cambodian). He wants to benefit from EU Directive 2004/38/EC so that they can get an EEA family ...
Gayot Fow's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Do I need a visa to travel to Paris from London?

I am a British citizen and I am going to Paris via the Eurostar from London. I am going to be in Paris for 3 nights. Do I need a visa?
Al jabra's user avatar
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