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46 votes
9 answers

Car rental vs. buying a car for 1 month, when visiting the USA?

I would like to visit a few places in the states sometime next year, and I was thinking of doing a road trip while I'm at it. I could start in either Los Angeles or Montreal, and then I would like to ...
iHaveacomputer's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

What is the minimum age to drive a rental car in the US?

I recognized that renting a car in the US is allowed at the age of 21 or 25. But are 18 to 21 year olds allowed to drive it if their parents or another 25 year old person signed the contract?
Lukas's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Car rental prices different for foreigners

I am traveling to Florida from Europe in a few weeks and wanted to rent a car. I found the prices at Budget to be the best for what I want. But something seems off about the offer. I select the dates,...
Adrian Sicaru's user avatar