Sometimes a person wants to find out what information a member state is keeping on them. They may be contemplating a visa application, or a judicial review, or visiting one or more member states and they want to know if they will expect problems at the border control point. I suppose in other cases some people are worried that an EU member might have obtained information that is inaccurate and they want to dispute the information.
The standard way to do this is with a "Subject Access Request (SAR)", we always tell people to do this following either a removal or refusal, especially if the information affects if the person can visit again or not. The SAR is built-in to EU regulations to provide a remedy to learn what information a particular government has on them.
All well and good, but there are some member states (the UK) where the process can take hellishly long times. Most people like to use a 8 - 12 month horizon for planning their travel, but if an SAR is going to take 18 - 24 months, then its value becomes worthless.
Or consider the case of a person filling out a visa application and they genuinely cannot remember their travel history, so they file an SAR and wait, but the process takes so long that they miss the reason they wanted the visa in the fist instance.
So the obvious question arises: is there a way to fast-track an SAR? UKVI, for example, has several rungs of premium services where a visa application can be accelerated, even down to an hour. What is the counterpart to an SAR application? Is there an additional fee?
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