My wife uses a compression machine to treat lymphedema, which is a result of her breast cancer treatment several years ago. She needs to use the machine almost daily, otherwise her arm swells, which is painful and uncomfortable.
The machine has two parts: (1) a pump contained in a plastic housing that is roughly 12"x12"x6"; (2) a garment that attaches to the pump with a set of hoses.
We are traveling to Beijing later this month, and I'm concerned about making sure that the machine arrives with us. Our plan is to put the whole thing in a suitcase that we will check in with the airline when we arrive at the airport. I have created a note in English and Chinese that explains what the machine is, as well as our contact info and home and hotel addresses, which will be in the suitcase. We are also including the user manual provided by the manufacturer.
In addition to being necessary to keep my wife comfortable and pain-free, the machine is also very expensive (several thousand $).
Also important to note that the machine does not contain a battery or any radiation sources.
I would appreciate input from anyone that is knowledgable, or has experience transporting medical devices in checked luggage. Thanks, in advance.
Update: January 19, 2017
So, after adding notes in English and Chinese to the luggage, and talking to several people at the airline, my wife flew with the device, contained in a suitcase, checked in. We were grateful to find that it arrived in Beijing, no problems!
Story over? Not quite. After all of the effort and anxiety we went through, the device worked one night, then failed to power on after that. So, my wife ended up spending most of the trip without the device, anyway! She had some mild discomfort, but with the aid of manual massage and a compression sleeve, she was mostly ok. We contacted the manufacturer when we returned home and they replaced the device for us, no cost! Whew!
Anyway... thanks to all of you who responded to my question. Safe and happy travels to all.