How does Oyster capping between different zones work?
We're going to make one trip from Heathrow to zone 1 and then to travel in zone 1 only. As shown in this table travels between zones 1-6 are capped at £12,00. Travels in zone 1 are capped at £6.60.
My question is: will one trip from Heathrow to Zone 1 qualify the whole day as "Zones 1-6"?
If so, then it's cheaper to return Oyster card after arriving to zone 1 (£3.10 off-peak price) and then use a new Oyster card which will be capped at £6.60. (£6.60 + £3.10 = £9.70).
PS. Unfortunately (for this question) I didn't travel a lot in London (only two rides a day, ride to/from Heathrow included), so I could not prove nor disprove MJeffryes's answer).