I am the proud recipient of a brand new, EMV-equipped Visa Debit card through my financial institution -- this card is capable of being used for PIN debit/EFTPOS, signature debit, and ATM transactions, at least in the North American senses of the terms. However, can such a card support EMV chip-and-PIN debit transactions for use overseas in areas where magnetic stripe PIN debit/EFTPOS is no longer supported, or is it limited to chip-and-signature for chip transactions?
Note: our question about credit cards is different because it covers North American EMV credit card products -- which do not support PIN debit/EFTPOS or the full panoply of ATM transactions. A Visa signature debit (Check Card) product supports not only signature debit (i.e. credit card like), but PIN debit/EFTPOS and ATM (bank card like) transactions as well. I'm concerned about all usage contexts (such as foreign ATMs and automated kiosks that do not have the ability to accept a chip and signature transaction), not just a card-present/manned environment where chip-and-signature fallback is an option, as well.