So you were smart enough to remember to take a nice big tough bin liner on your travels to carry your dirty clothes in to keep them separate from your clean clothes.
Now it's laundry day. So just take that big bag of stinky clothes to the laundromat etc.
Now the wash is finished so it's time to get your clothes. Umm isn't that handy bin liner still pretty stinky? Do I really want to put my fresh washing back in there?
What would our smart travellers do?
It might make a difference if you've washed and dried your clothes vs. if they're still wet and you're going to go hang them out.
Even if you can go back in time and pack two bin liners you'll hit the same problem on your second laundry day.
Some variables have become apparent, which probably means there are two to four right answers with a different strategy being optimal depending on your travel mode.
- Whether you're travelling with a suitcase vs backpacking
- Whether you're travelling light or heavy (or ultra light or ultra heavy I suppose)
In my case I'm backpacking and travelling very heavy. My strategy is to use my trips as a workout. Carrying lots of gear gets me much more in shape than when I'm a lazy geek at home. Last trip I lost 15kg. Most of my gear is socks, shirts, and undies. When I see I'm about to run out of any item I do a big load of laundry. Roughly once per month. This helps stretch the funds when on a long trip with a small budget too.