I'm allergic to peanuts and pistachio nuts among other nuts but not every nuts. It's easy for me to avoid nuts on my day-to-day life (living in France), plus I'm more or less able to spot if I'm allergic just by smelling.
I almost never had a reaction, but sufficiently enough to know that if in contact with peanuts or pistachio nuts, I do Angioedema.
I wish to travel for 6 month across South-East Asia and Oceania. A non-exhaustive list of Countries I'd like to visit are : Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Sri Lanka, China and Japan.
I feel like Asians use a lot of peanuts and pistachio nuts in their food and I'm afraid my nose won't be able to tell if I'm allergic in every cases.
In those countries, is it difficult to find food that does not contain at all peanuts and pistachio nuts ?
What would be the best way for me to survive this trip ?
EDIT : I just found this website, following the idea of Tom that a website may be referencing in a lot of languages "how to say that I'm allergic to peanuts".