I am approaching the end of my second stay of my dual-entry visa in China.
I am in Guangzhou and aware that another option is to pop over to Hong Kong and apply for a new Chinese visa there.
But HK is pricey when you're a on a shoestring hitchhiker's budget with a bank balance getting low. And in any case I would like to know ...
How long does it take to apply for and obtain a plain 30-day extension to a plain tourist visa (type L) here in Guangzhou?
From reading various information on the internet the process has quite a lot of variation around China with Tibet being almost impossible, Beijing being very difficult and demanding, and some small towns being extremely simple.
Yet no threads I can find have information about Guangzhou specifically. Does anyone have experience extending a visa here in the past year or so?
(Yes I have a Temporary Residence Registration Form (临时住宿登记) from my hostel.)