My girlfriend, our daughter and I will be flying from Montreal to Italy. I'll fly directly there with my daughter, which is 3 years old, and stay a couple of weeks. My girlfriend will first stop in London and reach us later, but she will stay longer than me and come back to Canada later with my daughter.
To make it simple:
- Father and daughter fly from Canada to Italy
- Mother flies from Canada to England
- Father flies early from Italy to Canada
- Mother and daughter fly later from Italy to Canada
Is it possible to buy a return ticket for our daughter in which we specify that she'll travel with a different parent?
My problem is that I have to buy her ticket separated from ours, because everybody has a different flying schedule. Buying separate legs would be an option, but this would very likely result in more expensive tickets.
I hope I managed to explain the situation, thanks in advance
? I've edited the question accordingly, feel free to rollback if needed. ;)