We are wandering around the Netherlands (on foot, hitchhiking, and by bicycle). We aren't sleeping in campsites, but just putting our tent anywhere "in the bush". We are used to travelling this way in southern Europe but in the Netherlands we have trouble finding water (public water tap, public WC / street fountain) so we could get water for showering / laundry / cooking. Until now we have only found water taps in cemeteries which are not the best place to shower (in a "remote" conservative conservation area!).
In southern Europe we find water to shower and wash our clothes near churches (often there is a tap), public fountains in parks, downtown areas, cemeteries, free WC (on streets or at train stations). Or as a last resort public WCs in libraries or bigger supermarkets.
We do know about Warm Showers and CouchSurfing websites, but we prefer to be independent and spontaneous, without having to plan in advance, which would require quite a lot of organization / time / battery (because finding a plug is also quite a challenge: we found one in a car park today!) We also know about the app "hoge nood" but it's not available on iOS6.
Until now we could get enough water to cook by asking bars or restaurants, but not enough for laundry and washing ourselves.
Do you know some trick to find those precious water taps (an alternative to laundry-bathing in smelly/polluted rivers, will be highly appreciated!)?