I will go to Cuba in the following days and I am not sure how to tip.
On Tripadvisor
It says: Do not tip with coins of your own currency, because foreign coins can not be exchanged in any country
But here on VisitCuba.com
It says : The best currencies are Euros, Canadian Dollars, or...
The problem is that 1$ Canadian is only available in coins. The lowest paper money we have is a 5$. Which is too much for me to tip each time. I'm not that rich yet.
How can I solve this problem?
EDIT: Back from vacations, I can say the best is to exchange money at the hotel and tip with their CUC money. But don't stress it if you tip with Canadian 1 dollars because they understant that you've just arrived. Their 1 dollar is also in coins like Canadian 1 dollars.