To begin with, I am aware that various iterations of this question have been asked, so I will be specific to my case since I feel there may be some differences.
I am on a temporary Visa in the United states, My Passport was stolen when someone broke into my car. Fortunately I am carrying my original Driving License issued in India. I have my work ID, and can print my bank statements out.
I have reported the case with the Police, have a copy of the report, have spoken to my consulate. They will issue a one time travel permit to me ONLY one month before the date of travel ONLY when I show them my ticket. I am set to depart 50 days from now so that doesnt help in getting an ID. So for the time being I do not have an ID on me issues by the consulate, nor my VISA. I have scanned color print outs of passport and VISA, my date of arrival and the date of VISA expiry.
Am I expected to face any issues if I am to board a flight to travel domestically? I am here on a business trip and need to travel within the United states.
I have spoken to the TSA, one of the people I spoke to was positive that I can go through. However the reason I write this is the second person: She was equally sure that I will not be let through unless I have a piece of paper signed by my consulate with a photo on it.
Any help on this? I dont want some thief to effect my plans here, which I made months ago, and have considerable interests in!!