The Belgian railway company NMBS/SNCB offers a variety of passes and cards. Depending on your needs, you might need a different pass or card. Following cards are available for occasional trips.
Go Pass 10
- Age 25 or lower
- Between any destination in Belgium (not including border stations)
- Priced at € 51
Rail Pass (Go Pass equivalent for people over 25)
- Any age
- Between any destination in Belgium (not including border stations)
- Priced at € 76
10-Journey Card
- Any age
- Between two specific stations (not including border stations)
- Price depends on the two stations
All passes and cards are valid for a single year and offer 10 journeys. These journeys can be used by multiple people at the same time if compliant with the pass or card's restrictions. For example if you are 25 years old and your friend is 26 years old, you can not use the same pass. Unless both of you would use a Rail Pass.
More information can be found at the Belgian railroad's official website.