Where I found the ticket to flight around the world.

I'm living in Sydney and I'm plan a trip of 3/4 months in Asia and Middle East. I'm not sure if use a flight is the best way to do this travel. Probably I'll enjoy more if I use more buses and trains.

Probably this is my route ( not in order )

  • Vietnam
  • India
  • Jordan
  • Egypt
  • Greece
  • Turkey
  • Nepal
  • Camboja
  • Russia
  • China
  • Kazakhastan
  • Bangladesh
  • Hong Kong
  • Taiwan

I'm a photographer.

Someone have a recommendations.

  • You may change the question to something more overall like World Fare Tickets overall. So this still can exist.
    – s1x
    Commented Feb 4, 2014 at 19:32

1 Answer 1


Sounds exiciting Coehlo!

Anyway regarding you questions you probably should check out the big Alliances like StarAlliance, OneWorld and SkyTeam.

Take a look here:

  1. Star Alliance - Round the World: You would have to make a stop somewhere in the US to get really AROUND the world. (http://www.staralliance.com/en/fares/round-the-world-fare)
  2. SkyTeam - Go Round the World: http://www.skyteam.com/your-trip/Travel-Passes/Go-Global/
  3. OneWorld - Round-the-world fares: http://www.oneworld.com/flights/round-the-world-fares
  4. And maybe the Google ITA Search Matrix: http://matrix.itasoftware.com/ which let you check several airlines, times, airports and whatsoever.

Example: I only know the Star Alliance System and you would have to really travel around the world (so making a flight within e.g. the US too). I just created an example for you using the Star Alliance World Ticket App (see ref: 819f-7a3b-18a8-5ee9) which will lead you to most of the countries you mentioned. The fare thereby e.g. would be around 7.500 AUD.

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