I realized I made a mistake on my application where I put Sweden as both first port of entry and final destination not realizing that a layover in Italy is actually requiring to go through pp control and get a stamped passport and so does my flight reservation show.

Will this be a problem or seen as false information? I don't want them to think I lied on the form or that my reservation is not legit (my reservation was through a reputable travel agency in my country of application). Really panicking here

Everyone and @phoog I would appreciate your insight. Thank you

  • I would appreciate insights from everyone @phoog is mentioned for optics.
    – FGS
    Commented Aug 12 at 15:57
  • You gave the copy of flight itenary, right? If that's the case, it should be fine as its obvious that its a genuine mistake. They won't hold it against you. It doesn't significantly change your trip. Commented Aug 12 at 16:08
  • Yes, my flight iternary showed Abu Dhabi to Stockholm through Rome. Thank you, really worried about misinterpretation as I dont think how Finland takes this information in relation to the flight
    – FGS
    Commented Aug 12 at 16:16
  • @AnishSheela Yes, my flight iternary showed Abu Dhabi to Stockholm through Rome. Thank you, really worried about misinterpretation as I dont think how Finland takes this information in relation to the flight
    – FGS
    Commented Aug 12 at 16:25
  • Did you get the visa? If not, it would be good to send an email to embassy about the mistake in the application. Commented Aug 12 at 16:27

1 Answer 1


If you just submitted the application:

Send an email to embassy saying you misunderstood the point of entry part and correct entry should be as per the flight tickets submitted.

If you received the visa:

Don't worry. They checked your tickets and found that everything is OK. Just proceed as normal.

  • Thank you, what if the visa was rejected, would that have been a cause?. @ahishsheela
    – FGS
    Commented Aug 12 at 17:43
  • Unlikely. I suggest you to wait till tomorrow and then decide. Commented Aug 12 at 17:50
  • Visa refused but no indication if that was the reason. Could they have placed a ban due to contradictory information without me knowing? @anishsheela
    – FGS
    Commented Aug 13 at 0:35
  • What was the reason stated for refusal? Commented Aug 13 at 4:33
  • Not enough sustenance, information not reliable and no proof of leaving @anishsheela
    – FGS
    Commented Aug 13 at 4:46

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