I'm from Madagascar. I'm a crewmember of a vessel, and I'm going to join a cruise ship in Southampton port. What kind of visa should I apply for? I will not stay in the UK; I'm just joining this vessel.

  • 9
    Have you asked your employer? There are special rules for sailors going to their ship, I guess your case is like that and your employer should have handled this before.
    – Willeke
    Commented Aug 2 at 18:01

1 Answer 1


As a Madagascan citizen needing to clear UK Immigration to join the ship in Southampton, a Visitor visa is required.

Source: Seafarers, and UK Visa Requirements

  • I don’t think either of the pages you linked to agree. OP needs a Seafarer’s book issued by a country in the given list, but does not need to be a national of said country. Now, don’t ask me how they get that book…
    – jcaron
    Commented Aug 3 at 11:16

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